Q - What is SoftStall?
A - For Joyful Noise Farm, it is a therapeutic, everyday environment for all horses at the farm. Our geriatric horses spend significant time on "their" SoftStall. The environment gives their old joints recovery time each day. All of the horses enjoy laying down on this soft mattress. The ease of daily cleaning as well as regular sanitization is a welcome change from our experience with other systems. It's great for our horses and great for their keepers.

Q - What is SoftStep?
A - SoftStep is the barn isle flooring that has be utilized at our farm. Instead of our horses and their people walking on concrete or an uneven aggregate surface, we walk on 1 1/4" thick interlocking rubber floor tiles. It is a soft and smooth walk down the isle as well as on the landing just outside the stall. Also, it is easy to maintain. SoftStep, like SoftStall is made from recycled tire rubber.

Q - What is Flexi Grid?
- Flexi Grid is the rubber grid product which we have placed over compacted screenings and under sand in the paddocks just outside of our horse stalls. This has eliminated any prospect of a muddy environment for our horses in the paddocks. Made from recycled tire rubber, these 4'x4' rubber grids have appropriate flexibility and durability for horse activity in the paddock. As Flexi Grid supports containment of the sand, it also supports the horse hooves while allowing water and urine to pass right through.

Q - Why did you build Joyful Noise Farm.
A - It's been our dream for years to own our own horse farm. Interest in horses is our motivation and we have a desire to learn all we can learn about them. Being able to partner with a horse to accomplish a goal seems to suit horses and humans. We learn something from them about ourselves each time we are with them. Beyond that, we felt a conviction to convert the dream to reality. Hopefully, the venture will prove to be a worthy one for God's Kingdom, thus actively transferring conviction to fruitful outcomes.

Q - Why the name, "Joyful Noise Farm?"
- Larry's favorite Bible scripture is Psalm 100, and, all of those horse noises are joyful ones; even the ones from the back door. Just look at their expression. "Make a joyful noise unto the Lord." 

Q - What horse breed do you prefer?
A - Although we have Quarter Horse and Arabian, our breed of choice is Paso Fino. This is the case because of our extensive trail experience in a variety of terrain atop these horses. It's an amazingly smooth ride on a horse with incredible stamina. In the main, they are easy keepers, very sound, sure footed, and with a desire to please.